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hey, there!

My name is Christine. I'm a published writer and an editor based in the southeastern US. I'm trained and vetted by the Editorial Freelancer's Association and hold a BA in English Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing. I've studied story assessment, various levels of sentence editing, and publishing production.


An avid reader of all things fantastical, my specialties include (but aren't limited) to fantasy, magical realism, historical fiction, and anything considered speculative in the YA and adult genres. Because of my particular skills with lush prose and metaphor, I also edit short stories and poetry.


Need an editor for your literary journal or chapbook? I can help with that too. As an editor of a magazine myself, I've curated and copyedited several issues.

I'd love to help you breathe life into your own projects!


I was a story crafter long before receiving a writing degree, but during my studies, I unearthed a knack for lyrical prose and story analysis. I'm the Co-Editor in Chief of The Talon Review, an international literary magazineand I've been published in a few journals myself (read my publications here). Between hobby reading and my job, I've consumed thousands of stories and honed my skills over several years. 

At university, I took a copyediting course on the Chicago Manual of Style and trained with The Copyeditor's Handbook—the Editorial Freelancers Association's standard copyediting texts. But an editor is never finished studying. I'm consistently taking new courses to keep up with the latest editing standards.

let's make your prose sparkle!

My editing philosophy

A good editor fosters the author's unique voice, not changes it.

Editors shouldn't enter a manuscript simply to tear apart grammar, punctuation, and syntax or to impose prescriptive language. They know the difference between a mistake and creative liberty and they're cautious about potentially harmful content like micro-aggressions. Editors help authors to write clear and immersive language. As a writer myself, I've been in your position. From rough drafts to slush piles, this industry is tough. A good editor can help your work stand out!

favorite media

When I read, I don't just want to escape. I want to discover more about the world, more about myself. Here are a few writers and universes that have helped me do just that:

Laini Taylor's Strange the Dreamer duology, Margaret Rogerson's An Enchantment of Ravens and Vespertine, Mary E. Pearson's The Remnant Chronicles, Roshani Chockshi's The Last Tale of the Flower Bride, Gabrielle Zevin's Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Susanna Clark's Piranesi, George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones, Brandon Sanderson's Tress of the Emerald Sea, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and Warbreaker, J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Aimee Bender's Girl with the Flammable Skirt, Sabrina Imbler's Dyke (geology), Diane Suess' Frank: Sonnets, Avatar the Last AirbenderOne Piece, Pride and Preudice (2005 film), DickinsonStardew Valley, Blanc, Roots of Patcha, Coffee Talk.

Christine Roland is a certified and vetted book, poetry, and novel editor
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